Tsi ionterihwaienhstahkwa ne Kahwatsiranó:ron
“The place of learning of precious families”
The Longhouse and the Great White Pine
The longhouse represents the essence of coming together as a family, and the roles and responsibilities we have in functioning as a collective. It reminds us of a time when everyone shared a single dwelling, as well as responsibility in caring for the child.
The Peace Belt Wampum
The white wampum in the belt represents peace. The six diamonds woven into the belt stand for the territory and the council fires of the Six Nations - Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.
The Clans
The people of the Turtle Clan are the fountain of our Nation.
The people of the Bear Clan are the healers. They are people of medicine.
The people of the Wolf Clan are workers and doers.
Teionitiohwahákston - The Circle Wampum
The Circle Wampum is the most sacred record of the foundation of the League of the Iroquois Confederacy. The belt symbolizes the invitation of the Peacemaker, the architect of the Great Law of Peace, to each of the fifty chiefs to recognize that they are all of equal rank and they should never forget their responsibilities to the people. The one longer string represents the chief who was appointed keeper of all other records of the League.
The Original 7 Children of Step By Step Child and Family Center
A painting at reception by Kanien'kehá:ka artist Natasha Smoke Santiago reminds us of the journey of the seven founding families of Step By Step. The families of Mark, Karen, T.J., Sara, Natalie, Jeffrey and Lucius challenged the existing systems to ensure their children received the services they needed within their own community. As with these seven children, generations of children have passed through our doors and have been honored and respected for their gifts, and will always be considered members of our Family.